Category: Startups

Business Plan - pexels-mikael-blomkvist
Your Guide to Writing a Business Plan In this post I'll try provide you with a detailed guide to writing a...
Evaluation (Pilot) Agreement
What is an Evaluation Agreement? An evaluation agreement, also known as a ‘pilot agreement’ or ‘trial agreement’, is an agreement between...
Privacy Policy for Websites and Mobile Apps
In the below article we’ll explain why you need a Privacy Policy for Websites or Mobile Apps, what it is,...
Idea Validation
Validating your startup idea is among the most important actions you need to take before moving forward. Ironically, most entrepreneurs...
Founder's Agreement - הסכם מייסדים- Image-by-a-mohamed-hassan-from-pixabay
A founder's agreement is one of the most important agreements that you'll ever sign. According to research done by CBSInsights,...
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